Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Takin' on my boy Magritte

So there is this awesome artist…who happens to be my favorite. His name is Rene Magritte. He is a surrealist which is awesome, but unlike some abstract surrealists, he actually can skillfully paint, everything he does looks very realistic but is portrayed in an abstract way. His art is more than just blotches of colors with squiggly lines. It is just awesome. Anyway, a lot of his paintings have couples with cloth wrapped around their faces, which has always fascinated me. The reasoning behind it is because his mother drown herself in a river and was found with her dress wrapped around her head which obviously had a profound impact on him. So this assignment was to recreate a painting by a famous artist but to add a modern twist to it. So I took one of his paintings and changed the background to that of a middle school dance picture background. I really think this is the first painting I have done that shows a little bit of skill on my part…. I don’t know, everything still has a lot of developing but this is a nice bench mark for me.

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